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Replacing a Unit

By Buzz, Units
  • Students will sometimes purchase the wrong course and need to swap out the incorrect unit with the correct one. They are allowed to do this as long as they have not worked extensively on the unit they want to get replaced. To go about this switch, you’ll first want to make sure you have the Free CU sheet open. At the bottom, select the $5 Credit tab..
    • In Buzz, withdraw the student from the undesired course
      1. You can do this by selecting Enrollments
      2. Click on the correct course ID
      3. Select Status and then Withdraw
      4. Be sure to Save
    • To add the correct unit, fill out the information on the $5 Credit portion of the Free Coupon list sheet.
      1. You can send the coupon code to the student if they want to add it for themselves. OR
      2. Proxy as the student and purchase the course for them (See the Proxying as a Student article for instructions)
  • Be sure to leave a brief note in Buzz explaining the withdrawal and adding of the unit.

Fixing Orientation Issues

By Buzz

When students have problems with their ESO Orientation, whether it’s preventing them from moving on in courses, etc, here are some possible troubleshooting fixes…

  1. Delete any older/duplicate orientation courses, do not just withdraw them. These can get in the way of courses being able to check if the most current one has been completed. See Deleting a Unit for instructions on how to do this.
  2. Make sure students have at least viewed the Welcome section of the orientation and scrolled down to the bottom, this does count towards completion
    1. If you are manually entering scores into their orientation, make sure you proxy as the student and view this Welcome section yourself so it’ll get a check mark
  3. If applicable, you can try and restore an older version of the orientation. See Restoring a Unit/Orientation on how to do this. 
  4. If there is no orientation available to restore, you’ll need to add a new one for the student. See Manually Adding the Orientation Course on how to do this. Make sure you update the end date to match with the student’s registration date.

Restoring a Unit/Orientation

By Buzz
  1. Search the student ID number
  2. Select Enrollments
  3. Select the three vertical dots (top right corner)
  4. Select Restore
  5. Choose the proper unit/orientation to restore
    1. Make sure you are picking the correct one, pay attention to the dates, they will be listed in the same order in the restore menu as they are listed in Enrollments

Deleting a Unit

By Buzz
  1. Search the student ID number
  2. Select Enrollments
  3. Check the box to the left of the proper unit you want deleted
  4. Select the three vertical dots (top right corner)
  5. Select Delete and confirm
  6. On the student’s notes, write See deleted course list
  7. On the Deleted Courses tab on the Free Coupon List, enter the proper information

Manually Adding the Orientation Course

By Buzz
  1. Search the student ID number
  2. Select Enrollments
  3. Select the + in the top right corner
  4. On the right side of the line that says Course, click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines)
  5. Check the box that says All domains
  6. Search for ESO Orientation
  7. Select the ESO Orientation
  8. Make sure their Orientation end date matches their registration end date.
  9. Click on the Create button in the top right

Manually Extending a Unit

By Buzz
  1. Search the student ID number
  2. Select Enrollments
  3. Click on the Enrollment ID for the appropriate course (the blue numbers on the farthest left of the screen)
  4. Under End Date, click on the little calendar icon
  5. Select the proper date that you are extending the unit to
  6. Click Save in the top right corner
  7. Double check under Enrollments that the end date is correct
    1. (When you are extending a unit until the end of the day so that a student may test, follow these same instructions and set the date to the next day, hit Save, then go back and set it back to the original date and hit Save. This will give them until the end of the day instead of expiring in the middle of the day.)

Testing Password Error

By Buzz, Testing

Sometimes when a student goes to take a test, they get a message saying they need a password in order to open their test. When this happens:

  • Open a new tab for Buzz
  • Under the Main Menu (three horizontal lines in the top left corner) and select “Courses”
  • Search for the course you need 
  • Once you have selected the course (by clicking on the course ID,) go back to the Main Menu and select “Editor” under the course name
  • Open the “Final Test” folder (click on the arrow) and then double click on the final exam (may be called Final Proctored Test)
  • Once you’ve opened the final exam page, select “Settings” at the top
  • Under “Advanced Assessment Options” look for the password option (at the bottom) 
  • If a password is listed there, erase it
  • Click “Save” in the top right corner

Grades Page Symbols

By Buzz, Testing
  • Viewing grades is easiest when they are displayed by “Grading Categories” and not “Syllabus Order.” You can make sure they are displayed correctly by selecting the “Grading Categories” button in the top right of the grades page
  • When checking on a student’s grades, you will notice several kinds of symbols appear.
  • Status Symbols:
    • These will appear to the right of the assignment’s score:
A grade in the red means that the assignment is below passing and will need to be redone in order to test (All assignments must be at least a 70% to test)
A grade in green means that the assignment is passing.
The assignment is excused and the student does not need to complete it
The assignment has been opened (it is not complete until it has a passing grade)
A retry has been allowed for the assignment/test
The teacher has left feedback for the student that they can view by accessing their grades page which can give advice on what needs to be fixed in order to pass the assignment
The assignment is waiting to be graded by the teacher. OR, this symbol can also mean that the student has questions left unanswered in the assignment.
  • Activity Symbols
    • These will appear to the left of the assignment name:
The assignment is not included in the final grade but it does still need to be completed before they can test
Assignment is extra credit and does not need to be completed.
Assignment requires a passing score for course credit. (You won’t need to worry about this too much as we require all assignments to have a passing score anyway.)

Manually Adding a Unit

By Buzz
  1. Search the student ID number.
  2. Select Enrollments
  3. Select the + in the top right corner
  4. On the Course line, type in the title of the course and select the correct unit
  5. Select Create

Details Reference Page

By Student Accounts

For student accounts:

The External ID should either be studentid, school number, grad year (1234567,790, 2022) or just the school number (790). This includes Polaris (782).  If the student is out-of-district, the External ID should be non-district. If you would like to put what school they are attending somewhere on their account it should be in the Other Notes.

The Grad Year should be the last 2 digits of the students graduation year. So 2022 would be 22. For non-district students, if at all possible, try to get the student’s graduation year. It makes archiving old students easier if the graduation year is there. 

The End Date should be in the m/d/y format. If an account has no courses, put NO ORDERS and the date checked. (ex: NO ORDERS 9/2/20)


For staff accounts (anyone other than a student):

Course Teachers – Only teachers currently teaching a course. External ID should be ONLINE TEACHER (this is how Jordan gets the list of teachers for all of their reports). The Description, the Grad Year and End Date should be STAFF. If additional information is needed it should be put in the Other Notes.

All other ESO staff – The External ID should be STAFF. The Description, Grad Year, and End Date should be STAFF. If additional information is needed it should be put in the Other Notes.

Focus Center – External ID should be FOCUS CENTER. The Description, the Grad Year and End Date should be STAFF. If additional information is needed it should be put in the Other Notes.

For other Alpine District users, like proctors or district employees – External ID should be school code and then STAFF. (EX: 704 STAFF) The Description, Grad year and End Date should be STAFF. Their position can go in the Other Notes. (ex: DC Coordinator or Counselor)

Test accounts – The Description, External ID, Grad Year, and End Date should be TEST.