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Fixing Orientation Issues

Fixing Orientation Issues

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When students have problems with their ESO Orientation, whether it’s preventing them from moving on in courses, etc, here are some possible troubleshooting fixes…

  1. Delete any older/duplicate orientation courses, do not just withdraw them. These can get in the way of courses being able to check if the most current one has been completed. See Deleting a Unit for instructions on how to do this.
  2. Make sure students have at least viewed the Welcome section of the orientation and scrolled down to the bottom, this does count towards completion
    1. If you are manually entering scores into their orientation, make sure you proxy as the student and view this Welcome section yourself so it’ll get a check mark
  3. If applicable, you can try and restore an older version of the orientation. See Restoring a Unit/Orientation on how to do this. 
  4. If there is no orientation available to restore, you’ll need to add a new one for the student. See Manually Adding the Orientation Course on how to do this. Make sure you update the end date to match with the student’s registration date.