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Proxying as a Student

Proxying as a Student

You are here:
  1. In Buzz
    1. Copy the student’s User ID (NOT the Username).
      1. User ID is typically a longer number and can be found under the username on the details page in Buzz.
    2. Click on your name in the top right corner.
    3. In the drop down menu select ‘Proxy.’
    4. Paste their User ID in the box and select ‘OK.’
      1. While you are proxying, please remember it is as if you are the student so be careful what you do in their account, you don’t want to mess anything up for them.
    5. When you are finished, make sure to go back to your name and select ‘Unproxy.’
  2. In the Shopping Cart
    1. Select Users
    2. Search for the student ID in the search on the right side of the screen
    3. Hover over their name and several options will appear under their ID number/beside their blank portrait
    4. Select Switch To
    5. This will automatically take you to the ESO website and you will be proxying as the student now
    6. From here, you can see the student Subscriptions, their Account Details, you can add units to their shopping cart, and you can make purchases
      1. Remember, you are acting as the student so be mindful
    7. When making a purchase, be sure you are on the phone with the student to get their proper billing information. We will not accept billing info through an email or LiveChat, it must be over the phone for security purposes
    8. When you are finished, MAKE SURE to scroll all the way down to the bottom and select “Switch back to yourself”