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Replacing a Grade

By Terms and Conditions, Units
  • Students wanting to replace grades using ESO should go through their school counselor and our director and Karma/an administrator FIRST!
    • Typically, if a student initially took a course in their brick and mortar school and wants to replace the grade, they can do so by taking it with us but they MUST redo the entire course. If it is a year long course they must redo all 8 units. If it is a semester course they must redo all 4 units. However, situations may not require this so it is always best to direct them to the director first to work out the best solution. 
      • Students wanting to replace grades like this should go through their counselor because there is paperwork that they will need to fill out before they can start
      • Once they finish, the registrar at their school will replace the grade in Skyward
  • If a student took a course at ESO and wants to replace their grade, they are allowed to do so. The student only has to redo the single unit whose grade they want to replace, they do not need to redo every unit they took during that term. 
    • Please note, if a student retakes an entire unit to replace a grade, it is going to change what term the grade appears on in Skyward
      • If the student took Geography, Unit 1 last May and got a B, they can redo the course unit now for a better grade but the new grade will be posted in this term.
      • An example scenario: Jane took Biology Units 1-3 last May. She got the following grades: 96%, 92%, and 86%. Her grade averaged out to 91%, an A-. She wants to retake Unit 3, the unit she received an 86% in, now to replace her grade and get a 4.0. She retakes the unit and gets a 94%. That 94%, or A, will post in Skyward in this current term and no longer be averaged out with the other two units. Luckily the other two units still average out to an A! And Jane can rest peacefully at night.