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Enrolling a New Student

Enrolling a New Student

You are here:
  1. Sign yourself out of
  2. On main web page, select “Register Now.”
  3. Agree to terms and conditions
  4. Select New to ESO
  5. Enter in the student’s information from the Google Form as if you are them.
    1. Make sure to double check Skyward to ensure you have the correct student ID number. DO NOT copy and paste the ID from the form, copy and paste it directly from Skyward
  6. Add requested unit(s) to cart.
  7. Enter coupon codes as applicable and proceed through checkout.
    1. Please be sure to add a note before completing checkout for why this purchase is being made and include your initials (EX: Fee Waiver – MC)
  8. Search the student in Buzz
  9. Edit Description for applicable details.
    1. Use the Account Description Table for reference
  10. Add their Grad Year
  11. Enter End Date
  12. Be sure to hit save!
  13. Send canned ‘Welcome’ email to student (and cc proctor) with login information.
  14. Update Free Packet List as necessary.
  15. Initial and highlight Google Form to state enrollment is complete.
  1. Sign yourself out of
  2. On main web page, select “Register Now.”
  3. Agree to terms and conditions
  4. Select New to ESO
  5. Enter in the student’s information as if you are them.
    1. Be sure to inform the customer of the password you created and that their username will be their student ID number 
  6. Add requested unit to cart.
  7. Proceed through checkout with their proper address and card information (after the first purchase, the system does save the address but not the card number) OR use coupon code as applicable
    1. Remember that you can only purchase one unit at a time
    2. Remember if you use a code to include a note for why (EX: Fee Waiver – MC)
  1. Go to home page on
  2. If they already have an account, they can login by selecting Buy a Course (login is the same as their Buzz login)
  3. If a student is new to East Shore Online, they will select the Register Now button on the home page
    1. Agree to Terms and Conditions
    2. Select “New to ESO” which is above the login box on the right, slightly grayed out
    3. Fill in account information.
  4. Select Buy a Course and add the first desired unit to the cart
    1. Students may have more than one unit open at a time but they must purchase them one at a time
  5. Go to checkout and confirm information. 
  6. Student will be prompted to pay at this point. 
    1. $100 yearly registration fee ($200 if attending out-of-district school) and $5 unit fee.